?Rapidmoviez? Molly\s Game Free Movie

Molly"s Game ≡Rapidmoviez≡




  1. Writed by: Molly Bloom
  2. 140 M
  3. 8 of 10
  4. Michael Cera, Jessica Chastain
  5. As a catastrophic injury robs her of a promising sports career and a long-coveted Olympic medal, the former competitive skier, Molly Bloom, moves to sunny Los Angeles to start anew, rather than attending law school. However, once there, Molly will soon find the quickest way to success and the closest thing to a profession, running a high-stakes poker game business for deep-pocketed celebrities, well-off businessmen, and the elite. And just like that, the gambling empire of a powerful poker hostess is born; nevertheless, there"s always a fine line between triumph and defeat. Now, with her only hope resting in the capable hands of the wary New York lawyer, Charlie Jaffey, a desperate Molly will have to strive for sympathy; but, who would be willing to represent the infamous Poker Princess?
  6. Rating: 125936 Vote


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She"s a sociopath, that"s what she is wired for

Untalented pair of juggs. So many of these movies, they play with money that isn"t on the table. What"s up with that. Jessica Chastain has already over stayed her welcome, I can"t stand her. Plus this movie looks like an episode of Law & Order or something better suited for TV.